The Reality Game

The concept for this game was taken from the theory of the "Construction of Reality". This theory assumes that there are two ways in which reality is made, A global way and a local way. This game was made to separate both ways in order to get an understanding of how the two may work together.

The game is made out of 25 locations that together form a labyrinth. The player starts in the upper left location. The aim of the game is to find the exit at the lower right. In every location a question is asked. A correct answer leads to the shortest route to the exit. There may be routes that have the same length. In that case there are as many correct answers as there are shortest routes. The player is not told whether the answer he gave is correct. He can only conclude that the question was wrongly answered, if the next answer straight away sends him back to a previous location. Gradually the player develops a mental picture of the labyrinth. There are four possible directions. The board can be seen as a cylinder. If a player is on the right edge of the board and he chooses to go to the right he will end on the left most side of the board.

You play the game by clicking the arrows. On screen a question is asked. Below that question are the multiple choice answers and the directions they are associated with. Beware, there can be more than one correct answer and likewise more shortest routes.

Start the game by pressing this link:
